Educating & supporting you to a positive birthing experience

  • Hypnobirthing Australia, Positive Birth Program

    A positive birth experience looks different for everyone, Hypnobirthing will give you the strategies and skills you need to achieve YOUR positive birth

    Course Information 
  • Optimal Maternal Positioning Workshop

    You wouldn't run in a marathon without doing any training beforehand, birth is no different. OMP guides you on what you can do physically, to prepare your body for labour and birth

    Course Information 
  • Postnatal Debrief

    As part of both the Hypnobirthing & OMP courses I am offering a FREE postnatal birthing debrief so we can chat about your birth experience

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" As a midwife & a mother I have seen and experienced how birth doesn't always go to plan, through Happy Birthway I can help support and guide you through the roller coaster of labour & birth "