About the Hypnobirthing Australia, Positive Birth Program

" Hypnobirthing is as much a philosophy of birthing as it is techniques. When a mother and her birth partner are able to approach their birth without fear and with knowledge, good support, and tools for the birth – then their birthing can be a positive and empowering experience. " - Melissa Spilsted  

This Positive Birth Program is designed to help prepare both you and your birth partner for labour and birth through a scope that has been glazed with a calm effect, which ultimately leaves you feeling safe and secure leading up to your birth. Through the Hypnobirthing Australia, Positive Birth Program you will learn about the natural process of labour and how the events leading up to your birth are normal, natural physiological functions of your body. When you are aware of what is happening to your body, you release any fear you may be holding and feel confident that your body is doing what it needs to, to bring your baby earth side.

Every woman has a different definition or idea of what a positive birth experience means for them, through Hypnobirthing Australia I can help you get an understanding of what a positive birth experience means to YOU and what you can do to achieve that positive birth experience.

This class can be attended anytime during your pregnancy, most parents start their journey at around 20-33 weeks. 


A positive birth experience looks different for everyone, Hypnobirthing Australia will give you the strategies and skills you need to achieve that positive birth

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